Declared Weeds List
The following plants are legally designated as weeds in Sweetwater County
Declared by Sweetwater County
1. Bull Thistle
2. Common Reed
3. Curlycup Gumweed
4. Curly Dock
5. Foxtail Barley
6. Lady’s Bedstraw
7. Mountain thermopsis
8. Showy Milkweed (different from Common Milkweed)
9. Wild Licorice
10. Wild Oats
Declared by the State of Wyoming
11. Common Mullein
12. Black Henbane
13. Canada Thistle
14. Diffuse Knapweed
15. Common Burdock
16. Common St. John’s Wort
17. Common Tansy
18. Dalmatian Toadflax
19. Dyer’s Woad
20. Field Bindweed
21. Hoary Cress (Whitetop)
22. Houndstongue
23. Leafy Spurge
24. Musk Thistle
25. Oxeye Daisy
26. Perennial Pepperweed
27. Perennial Sowthistle
28. Plumeless Thistle
29. Purple Loosestrife
30. Quackgrass
31. Russian Knapweed
32. Russian Olive
33. Saltcedar
34. Scotch Thistle
35. Skeletonleaf Bursage
36. Spotted Knapweed
37. Yellow Toadflax
38. Medusahead
39. Ventenata
40. Yellow Starthistle